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That is the Question!


To blog or not to blog? That isn’t really a question but more a simple musing on the expectations of modern life online.  On the one hand, a blog gives anyone the opportunity to share their innermost thoughts to a public audience, or to wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve and become passionate about a particular subject. On the other hand, this same desire to express ourselves, can attract sympathy as much as it can antipathy.

That said, ADLIB THEATRE would welcome any of their supporters, whether they be actors, directors, stage management or even regular audience members, to submit their own thoughts and feelings on the loose subject of local or national theatre. After an informal vetting process, purely to make sure that by publishing, the submitted blog won’t get the organisation into ‘hot water’, we would hope to see a variety of views and ideas being held up to the light!

I might have the urge myself – to blog, I hasten to add, though I often have other urges, of too delicate a nature to mention here.

We wait with bated breath for some of you to have a go!  You know you want to!

Just email me the copy and we will take it from there.



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